SEO Services For Small Businesses In Calgary

Our Invisible Empire’s local Calgary SEO services will help you reach new customers and show up on the top page of Google. We will help to increase your keyword rankings in Google while bringing you more organic traffic generating more leads to your business.

At Our Invisible Empire, our core values are centered around empowering Calgary entrepreneurs. We are committed to providing the support and expertise they need to succeed and grow their business. 

Rank Higher In Google With Our Local SEO Services

SEO or Search Engine Optimization involves optimizing a website for search engines such as Google and Bing. It is an incredibly effective way to market your business online and is often overlooked by many business owners.

In this modern era of technology, most people resort to Google when they’re looking for a product or service. If your website isn’t SEO optimized then you will get lost in the sea of websites and lose out on many potential customers that could be driving you revenue and growing your business.

What Is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In the simplest terms, SEO is the process of improving your website to increase your visibility in search engines such as Google and Bing. SEO is an incredibly effective way to market your business and is often overlooked by many business owners.

SEO is important for every business to include in their marketing strategy, and at Our Invisible Empire, our specialty lies with local businesses in Calgary.

Why Is Local SEO Important?

If your business relies on phone calls, appointments, or purchases within Calgary, then investing your marketing budget towards Local Calgary SEO is crucial. Optimizing your website for searches that include local queries such as “calgary” or “near me” will allow you to reach customers. There are plenty of reasons why Local SEO is so important, but don’t just take our word for it, look at these Local SEO Statistics from Localiq


Of all Google searches are local. Google has 8.5 billion searches per day, and roughly half of those are local searches. With those numbers there is huge opportunity to reach more customers then ever before.


Of people search for a local business on their smartphone every single day. When you’re looking for a product or service, what is the first thing you do? Most people would say they pull out their phone and search for businesses near them. This is why investing in Local SEO is so important.


Of small businesses outsource their Local SEO work. Outsourcing your Local SEO to a company such as Our Invisible Empire lets you focus on the day to day operations of your business, while letting the experts do what they do best.

SEO Tools We Use

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